
Archive for August, 2011

Do Something!

The name metamorphosis implies transition. Transition from one place to another, from one state to another, from one being into another. It has to start somewhere. I made a decision to get started after years of analysis paralysis. I was so worried about making the wrong decision that I never made one. Bad move.

Langston Hughe’s poem Dreams comes to mind:

Hold on to your dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold on to your dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Filled with snow.

After years of observing time pass me by, I decided that I had to do something, anything! I could no longer be that broken winged bird. It was time.I applied to a graduate school program and am ready to move towards my new goal. I recognize that my journey will not be easy as I have two children and a husband, but it will be rewarding and fulfilling.

Similar to the garden I tend to in my backyard, I am now sowing more seeds in my life and I look forward to the new life they will bring.

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